Confused about the right
steps to take professionally?
We want to help you navigate that path, as well as be a sounding board for
questions, comments, and career concerns. And the best part? It's free!

Who is the
Registered Dietitians Community for?
- RDs in the first 5 years of their career or those re-entering their career
- RDs who need career advice and guidance
- RDs looking for networking opportunities and connections
- RDs with questions about niche areas, salary and pricing, job searching, gaining experience, etc.
- RDs that feel confused or lost as to the first steps, or the next steps, in their professional journey
What will I get in the Registered Dietitians Community?
- Free advice and guidance for your most burning questions
- Help with job searching, applying for jobs, interviewing, as well as building your dream "side hustle"
- Advice and recommendations on salary, pricing, and charging for services
- Tips on networking, gaining experience, professional involvement, and more
- Career resources and continuing education opportunities

Meet Amy Goodson
I’m a registered and licensed dietitian and Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics. My business focuses on nutrition communications and sports nutrition. With a bachelor’s degree in communications and a master’s degree in sports nutrition, I am passionate about marrying the two together to provide quality, science-based nutrition through speaking, media, writing and consulting, in addition to creating education resources and courses for dietetic interns and new or transitioning registered dietitians to start, grow and launch their dream careers.

Need more training in the leadership and professional development areas?
Check out the RD Career Jumpstart
Leadership & Communications Workshop!
I do want to connect with other like-minded dietitians
ready to start their dream career.
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I’ll guide you to the finish line with bite-sized advice.
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